dispersion.eLabOrate(D) is a networked performance system which augments and supports Deep Listening workshop experiences through an environment that integrates human and machine collaboration. The sonic materials for this co-performance/creation are seeded by vocal activity of human participants, which continually contribute to an audio corpus of past content used for resynthesis of machine voices. Each participant experiences their own spatial sonic reality within a shared virtual audio space, as relative placement to other collaborative sources provide a unique vantage point via an accompanying virtual acoustics system. Responses from public play sessions are analyzed using a grounded theory approach to report on salient qualitative data resulting from performances with the system.
eLabOrateD is a followup to DisPerSion.eLabOrate and thematically follows the same deep listening augmentation - moving the Tuning meditation from a human centred piece to a shared human/machine collaborative performance.
eLabOrateD goes beyond the limitations of physical space and moves players into a telematic setting - and constitutes the “D” at the end of the title, effectively “elaborate distributed”. Each remote player connects through jacktrip to be sensed by the system.
Published in "eLabOrate(D): An Exploration of Human/Machine Collaboration in a Telematic Deep Listening Context", in Proc. of the 16th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR), 2023. [PDF available on Zenodo]
eLabOrateD was preseted at CMMR 2023 in Tokyo, Japan.
You can watch the presentation here!