dispersion.Spat mediates all sonic action within a given performance and makes it possible to have dynamic and shared virtual acoustic spaces within telematic performance settings. This allows for remote players to have an identical experience of spatial qualities as one another, and shared virtual telematic spaces can be interpolated in performance.
As these spaces are completely defined by room perceptual parameters in a few-to-many mapping, they can then be manipulated in real time during performance contexts. Spaces can be jumped between using a discrete trigger, manually interpolated, or linearly interpolated over a timed ramp.
The established system allows for expressive composition which takes space and the transition between each room into consideration. As one basic example, this may manifest as sequentially moving through the space of each telematic collaborator, allowing the ensemble to step through and inhabit the acoustic qualities of every venue.
By recording IRs of remote collaborator performance venues, a bank of realistic representations of room qualities may be established which can be expanded on for new or ongoing connections. In a typical use case, an operator/player of the system is present, controlling changes between saved rooms, perceptual parameters, and source locations.
Spatial trajectories are controlled through five separate modules which have options to assign any of the Spat sources to a given geometric or trajectory method. These methods include random, line, plus, triangle, square, and pentagram, and had been augmented in recent years to include saveable drawn paths, each with variable speed and loop patterns. Additionally, an option to “anchor” one source to another was developed.
Pairs of targets and followers can be established to result in trails, mirrored behavior, time delayed movement, and various offset positions from a source leader.
Presented in Hoy R., D. Van Nort, "A Technological and Methodological Ecosystem for Dynamic Virtual Acoustics in Telematic Performance Contexts", in Proc. of Audio Mostly, 2021. [ACM Digital Library], alongside MaxTrip.
Audio Mostly 21 Presentation: